Aug 31, 2009

Summer Games '09

So, I downloaded this new App on my iTouch that allows me to write for my blog. It's actually a lot simpler than using Safari to write posts. It was only $2 so I thought, why not? My only problem thus far is that I can't seem to save posts to edit them before posting. Its called BlogWriter if anyone is interested.

I think I've played more games this summer than I've ever had in a long time. In the form of a list I've played:

-Paper Mario
-Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
-Super Paper Mario
-Super Mario RPG
-Zelda: Ocarina of Time
-Zelda: Majora's Mask
-Zelda: Wind Waker
-Zelda: Twilight Princess
-Shadow of the Colossus
-Final Fantasy X

...and an assortment of handheld games that I don't remember. And lots and lots of Brawl.

Playing the Paper Mario games were great fun. My friends and I took turns playing these games. I couldn't wait for my turn. I loved finding badges and star pieces. The music is great in all of the games, and the gameplay is so fun and unique.

My only gripe with the games is making all the recipees to get that shiny gold 'C' in my backlog. I'm glad, however. I always wanted to do those recipees. Just never had a reason to do so until now.

I've played Super Mario RPG countless times, and there will be more times to come. But this time it was a little different. It was a race against my brother to see who can beat it first. It was very close but he managed to defeat Smithy just barely a minute before me.

I'm not sure why I've played through this game so much. I just find it so fun, so great. It seems somewhat mediocre, with clunky gameplay. And yet I love it.

I love all the Mario RPG games. I don't know about you, but I'm psyched for Bowser's Inside Job. And while I enjoyed Super Paper Mario, I hope we get a regular Paper game soon.

I already expressed my opinion on the Zelda series so I'm not going to say much here. I saw the picture with Link and that Master Sword-lookin' girl. I'm not sure where Nintendo is going with this idea but I hope it works out. I have my faith in Nintendo in that they'll continue to create a quality series.

Huh. I just figured out that blog posts save when you press 'Back'. Whoda thunk it?

Shadow of the Colossus was definately different. In a good way, of course. I enjoyed my short time with the game. It was very fun figuring out how to figure out how to kill each Colossus. The music is excellent and I would fully recommend buying the soundtrack if you have the chance.

The game is, in a way, simple. But very, very different. I wouldn't recommend it unless you think you're interested. If you're looking for something different, then by all means, check it out. You won't be dissapointed.

I've owned Final Fantasy X for a very long time. It was this summer when I finally beat it. Although my friend played 50 hours of it, I played the last 50 hours- doing all the side-quests and such. I've already experienced the first 50 hours so I didn't mind. And I enjoyed every last minute of those last 50 hours.

The battle system in this game is different from most RPGs. It's character turn based like the Mario RPG games instead of party turn based like Dragon Quest games. I like this system and want to see it in more games. The sphere leveling up system is great but could have used a lot of work in the choices department. And I personally enjoyed the story very much. I admit I shed a tear at the ending of this game. After beating it I now consider X to be the best in the series.

Its been a very long time now since I've had such determination to beat games in the same way I beat these. And I love having that determination... I don't want to lose it again. That is why, one by one, I'll complete my backlog. I will do it, even if it takes a long time. I can do it, and I will do it.