Nov 26, 2009

Week 7 - The Split

Present Warriors: Everybody
(excluding Machiavelli... he's probably gone for good)
Party Level: 10

A bit late with this one... So late that I already did another session after this one! Thus, I will wait a day or two before writing up Week 8.

The Split... why is this chapter called that? Well, to speed things up my friend and I decided to split up the group where he will take one half and I'll take the other. My half consisted of Chet, Coren, Viridia, and Wesker. He took Taliesin, Illyria, Kvothe, and Rhadgast.

I would have liked to have DM'd both sessions, but I really wanted to get passed this part quickly. And besides, for my half I wrote out my best session yet.

Since I wasn't at the other session I only know things based off second-hand knowledge. Basically, they went into Mount Gulg, where they met some Dwarves who wouldn't tell them what they were doing there. After a while they met some demons and the Dwarves reveal that they're actually there to seal off the volcano so that a "thing" wouldn't get out.

The Dwarves end up dying and the Warriors find themselves in a room full of demons... lots and lots of them. Crawling all over the room, in fact. And then, a large demon with wings appears. He lifts up both Kvothe and Rhadgasts, looks at their crystals, and then walks away. The other demons follow suit.

They eventually find a woman wielding two two swords named Marilith. They fight her and after a while she transforms into a large snake lady. Kvothe tried to turn her weapons into glass but she just pulled out even more.

They apparently had an easy time with her, Kvothe being the only one who got into the negatives. After Rhadgast's Fire Crystal was restored with power, they blew up the volcano and headed for the near-by destroyed castle.

By the time they finished, I was barely half-way done with my session. I didn't write their session, though, and it was my friend's first time at DMing. But, whatever, now it's time for my session.

My Warriors headed for Onrac. There, they decided to gather clues about the sunken Mermish Islands, where the Water Crystal used to be. They discover that a man recently washed up on the shores of Onrac, and has been looking out at the sea everyday. He doesn't know anything about who he is or where he came from.

The Warriors meet him at the docks. Chet's crystal then starts to glow and the man (named Terrance) seems to have a flash of some sort; he claims's he's seen a crystal like that. He believes it to be under the sea. He tells the Warriors to come back tomorrow, that they have to go there. He doesn't know why but he just has to.

The Warriors decide to take his word on it, so they mess around until sunset. Viridia manages to catch two salmon (one of them who happens to be a gay, fish-stick loving, black salmon). She also sees a giant fish jumping in the distance.

The others didn't do too much. I think Wesker tried to teach his horse the love of helicopter-brooms but it didn't work out.

Oh yeah, I totally forgot to mention but my Warriors took the Airship with them.

So, the next day, Terrance tells them that he washed ashore in this boat. It looks like a large barrel. He calls it a submarine.

He tells the Warriors that the submarine is unstable, and that they need a way to breath underwater. He thinks the Fairies might be able to help them. So, he leads the way.

The Fairies in this place are quite happy to be around humans, not shy at all. Wesker, on multiple occasions, tries to seduce one of them but gets rejected. Terrance asks the fairies for their help and they say the'll do so if the Warriors can find one of their fairy friends. It seems like she was kidnapped.

Coren, while track-tracking, discovers that there was a person with a small horse and wagon who has been around. The people in Onrac say that he's not a commoner. They also reveal that he just left town right now!

So, the Warriors catch up to him. He openly admits that he's taken the fairy and that he's willing to give it away... for a price. After some failed intimidation attempts, Wesker decides to give him his crystal... tells Matt to do the same.

The Merchant hides his excitement and gives up the fairy.

So, remember how Crystals fly back at full force after 100 feet? Yeah.

Wekser gets hit in the junk, Matt tries to catch it like a baseball and ends up flying several metres backwards.

They return the fairy and as a reward, the fairies give them an Oxyale Veil and a Weight Stone. The Veil allows them to breath underwater and the Stone lets them change their weight at will to be able to walk underwater. Wesker fails at seducing another fairy so they head to the submarine.

Immediately, the submarine slowly fills with water. As it sinks deeper and deeper, the Warriors can see a Sunken Shrine coming up. Terrance pauses for a moment and says that he thinks the crystal is inside.

They enter the shrine. There are four rooms and one large door at the end. Each Warrior split off into the four different rooms.

Chet had to push blocks together to create an image from above. Coren had to solve the Sphinx's riddle by placing a statue of a dog on the pedestal. Viridia had the pleasure of having her hand bitten on by a statue to press the button (why does this seem familiar) and Wesker had to pull three stone levers in the right order (left, right, middle I believe). Each time they solved a puzzle, a light on the big door would light up.

When the last puzzle was solved, Terrance immediately opened the door, saying that he needs to find out why he wants to be in here. In the other end, there lies a giant blue crystal. Terrance turns around, and reveals that he remembers everything now. His real name is Kraken, and that he was supposed to make sure that the Water Crystal never reaches full strength. He says he's sorry, really sorry, but he has to stop the Warriors now.

So a battle ensures. It's not too tough a battle though Kraken has some nasty spells, even a fire spell strong enough to cast underwater. After a few tough hits, Kraken grows bigger, and reveals large tentacles. His skin turns blue and his face changes shape.

Even nastier spells, and now with the ability to grab his opponents, Kraken was a force not to be reckoned with. But reckon, they do, as they slowly whittle him down. All of the Warriors get to below 1/4 of their HP, before Chet deals the finishing blow.

Kraken starts to disintegrate. Coren asks why did they have to fight. Kraken reveals that he's truly loyal to his master and would rather die than betray him. Coren asks for his master's name. He says that his master's name is Garland. Before becoming specks of sea dust, he tells the Warriors that his short time with them were his happiest in his life.

Afterwards, Chet's crystal is reactivated and he grows stronger! Suddenly, Mermen appear. They tell the Warriors that the shrine has been infested by Kraken for 2000 years and that they weren't able to do anything about it. Even when they managed to cast him out, he still returned. If it weren't for the Warriors of Light they would have never gotten their holy shrine back. The elder merman says that he'll help the Warriors get back to shore.

And that was that. All of my Warriors tell me that they actually felt sorry for Kraken. So yeah, that's what I was going for and I'm glad I did it. It probably wasn't my best encounter, but story-wise, that was my best session.