Nov 13, 2009

Week 6 - An Ice Cave full of Demons

Present Warriors: All but Coren and Taliesin
(Machiavelli was played by another person)
Party Level: 8

As I sit here, at 4AM, watching House on ShowCase, farming for Pink Tails on Final Fantasy IV (the DS version!) and also waiting for class to start at 11AM because I so won't wake up before then, I've decided to write up the summary of our last DnD session!

So... As Chet was convinced that they were walking in the Forest, the Warriors sailed across the ocean, heading towards the Ice Caves to save Smithy's poor Dwarven friends. Chet picked up a stone (which later turned out to be a fish) and the Warriors get to the peninsula where the Ice Caves are supposed to be. Matoya lead them there and then she disappeared into mist (she's magical, remember).

The Warriors can clearly see demons (Evistros, to be exact) standing guard in front of the Ice Cave. The Ice Caves were salt mines, and then later became diamond mines when the Dwarves discovered that there were some deeper down in the earth. The mines weren't always cold, it was when, just recently, they discovered a giant stone door. As soon as that door opened, freezing winds came out of it and froze the entire mine. Of course, my Warriors didn't learn about this because none of them decided to make a History check (not even the one who does it at least twice a session).

So, even with only two demons guarding the the mines, it's pretty obvious that it's dangerous to run in guns-a-blazing. So you know what my Warriors do? Run in guns-a-blazing. Or swords-a-swinging. And talking horses.

Wesker zooms in on the demons first, with his multi-coloured talking trusty stead. Then he jumped up the cliff in an attempt to hang off of it with his spear. He failed horribly and fell to the ground. Then he got up and made pork chops (as in, his player was hungry and he went to go grab some dinner).

So, the other Warriors caught up and wailed on the Evistros until they all died.

Thus, the Warriors (sans Wesker) entered the cold mines. There were dead Dwarf bodies everywhere. Machiavelli (remember, he was being played by another Warrior) gutted one of the bodies, took out everything and filled it to the brim with oil and black powder. Machiavelli, who was originally a good character, quickly became Chaotic Evil. This is what happens when another player takes control of someone else's Warrior.

They went deeper and deeper into the mines until they found a huge room with a scared little Dwarf surrounded by more dead Dwarves. Machiavelli shows him the dead Dwarf and the tiny one faints.

After setting up camp, the little Dwarf wakes up and talks to the more sane Warriors. He calls himself Yvon and he tells them that the Demons disappeared as soon as he dug up a secret passage. He points out where the passage is. The Warriors immediately go through it.

They find a large, metallic door with three levers in front of them. After some messing around (basically, Machiavelli and Chet trying to break the levers), they figure it out: They have to pull them in the order of right, left, middle. The door opens, Wesker appears from behind the door (meaning he just got back) and demons rush them from behind.

So, throughout the entire dungeon, the Warriors failed to notice any of those demons stalking them. So they get surprise round'd!

There are five Evistros, three Barlgurls and a Mezzodemon (who I changed his appearance slightly. He had just one eye instead of two). The Mezzodemon stabs Illyria several times with his giant trident. Eventually, she manages to slow him down with a face full of hellish flames.

The smaller demons slowly get their health whittled down but none of them died until the Mezzodemon did; Then the others slowly died. Rhadgast managed to scare off some of the bloodied demons.

By the by, I forgot to mention... Machiavelli set off his Dwarven bomb earlier in the fight... which caused almost everyone and demon to be engulfed in hot, hot fire. I've decided that it wouldn't give on-going fire damage. I try not to babysit my Warriors if I can help myself, though.

The Warriors, victorious, trudge on. Without Yvon because to be honest, I completely forgot about him, and so did the Warriors.

Walking through the icy dungeon, they find another giant door, with seven levers. Immediately, Chet figures out that they have to all pull the levers at the exact same time. Viridia pulled any levers that some of the warriors decided they shouldn't (just two, Wesker and Machiavelli). Then the door opens, and they find an incredibly large room with a huge boat in the middle.

Viridia (which, I forgot to mention, has the Floatstone since Taliesin wasn't there) tried to punch through the boat with the Floatstone. Instead, the Floatstone disintegrates and then the giant boat suddenly lifts off the ground, fixing any problems it had with itself, and propellers come out of the ground attaching to it. The boat floats above ground and produces a boardwalk for the Warriors to walk onto the boat with. Once they get one, the boat flies up, through the ceiling (turning any ice into sand as it does so) and rises out of the ground.

They're above ground, a few thousand feet, I might add, and they can see the world all around them. The Warriors now own an airship!

Oh, and there was gold in the airship. Yeah, and enough rooms for 12 people. The Warriors move their gear from the boat onto this new ship. And that ends that adventure.

As I'm sitting here, now 6:30AM, I'm getting rediculously tired, even though I've only been up for 12 Hours (yes, I woke up at 6PM...). I'm rather disappointed in myself, I used to be better than this when it came to sleep; I could stay up for 48 hours and not screw up my sleeping schedule what-so-ever... but now I can't manage to fall asleep unless it's 6AM (no matter how long I've slept) and I am nearly impossible to walk up (no matter how early I fall asleep). I'm only 19 and I can already feel getting old. :(