Nov 7, 2009

Week 5 - Lich, Fiend of Earth

Present Warriors: Viridia, Taliesin, Illyria, Chet Cheleous, Rhadgast, Wesker, Coren, Machiavelli (Temp Warrior!) and Kvothe (Later Half)
Party Level: 7

Well, last week I had a Halloween Party instead of a normal DnD session, and it was quite fun. I dressed up as Mario but I was the only one to dress up. Still, everyone loved my costume and walking through the halls of Residence, people would give me an awesome stare (or an awkward one.... couldn't tell).

Anyway, I completely forgot to write this up so here it is! The epic battle against Lich!

So, the Warriors arrive in the Dragonborn town of Melmond. The Dragonborn are actin' funky... but none of the Warriors noticed. They met Smithy, Wesker gave him his Adamantite and then Smithy showed them to Dr. Unne, a scientist trying to figure out where the ruins in this area used to be. Viridia recalls that the ruins disappeared over 2000 years ago.

So, the Warriors get back to town and it's unnaturally dark. Then, a person wearing a long cape approaches them. A human person. In a town of Dragonborn. Strange, huh?

Nobody could tell that the caped person seemed too friendly to the Warriors, but whatever. The caped person calls himself Count Milner, master of Melmond. He invites the Warriors to dinner because that's what you do when famous warriors visit your little town.

Count Milner, over dinner, reveals that he is a vampire. He also reveals that the reason why a human vampire is the master of Melmond is because he brainwashed everyone because he can. He also doesn't drink the blood of intelligent creatures, anymore. A lot of the Warriors were wary of their dinner but Wesker scarfed in. After it was deemed that the food was not poisonous, they proceeded to eat it because it couldn't possibly be slow-acting poison either.

After dinner, Count Milner tells the Warriors that he has something to show them. He leads them to the middle of town, where Dragonborn seem to get a little feisty, surrounding the Warriors. The Count says that he was lying about not drinking intelligent creature blood because he is a liar. That bastard!

And so, an epic battle ensured between the Warriors, the Count and countless Dragonborn (oh god what a pun). After getting breathed on by the Dragonborn, the Warriors quickly cut the Count into mist because he turned to mist to avoid getting hurt because he's a pussy. After that, an earthquake happens, the ground opens up, the Dragonborn run away and the Warriors and the Count fall in (that's too many "ands" for my own good...)

When the Warriors wake up, they see a man wearing stone armour and wielding a stone sword with the Count impaled through the sword. He tosses the Count into the farthest corner of the room and tells them all that his name is Lich and they will not restore the power in the crystals. Lich proceeds to run right at the Warriors and then slashes at them. Wesker, however, decides to run for the Count because it's been Wesker's long life dream to become a vampire.

Wesker is quite the character at this point... he now owns a flying vest in which the wings came from a sea Roc's dead corpse. He has a talking horse and two brooms that say "Fuck you" and "Uoy kcuf" in which he plans to tie them together to make a helicopter with his horse. Now he's going to become a vampire because he can. So, he goes in that corner, rips the Count's head off, uses the Count's head to bite his neck, several times, and then hopes to become a vampire.

The other Warriors, however, proceed to get the life beaten the crap out of them. Lich can do two whole rounds on his turn, so he goes in, slash, runs at someone else, slash. Then, when he's surrounded, he spins around, knocks everyone prone, then runs at someone else and slash.

At one point, Taliesin casts this thorn wall around Lich and turned himself invisible. Lich then runs out of the wall, unharmed, and slashes right at Taliesin EVEN THOUGH HE DIDN'T SEE WHERE TALIESIN WENT.

Eventually, they get Lich's HP to 0... which, at that point, he transformed into a different form. Oh God yes, he turns into skeleton-purple-robe Lich that you all know and love from Final Fantasy. His stone sword turns into a giant stone scepter. He is not the Fiend of Earth for no reason.

Immediately, skeletons! Everywhere! One for each Warrior! They're all minions however and they shatter the skeletons to dust. However, Lich is a little tougher than that. Immediately, everyone around him get hurt because he has a necrotic freakin' aura. At that point, the Warriors are screwed indefinitely.

So, Wesker finally decides to join in on the party. He misses Lich several times (his fault! His highest roll was a 13!). However, Wesker is the only one who manages to never get to go below 1/4 of his health.

Some of the Warriors become blooded. The others, at negative frickin' health. See, Lich can create earthquakes, cast Firaga, can summon skeletons at will and hits really hard with his scepter! Oh yeah, and when he got blooded, he shadow stepped away and then double-Firaga'd.

Taliesin tried running for his life, summoning his new found pet Roc and everything, but Lich saw what he did there. So he Firaga'd him. Ouch, looks like Taliesin got to negative HP!

So, the Warriors, screwed. It seemed like God was smiling on them today because some crazy sexy white-haired woman jumps in, heals everyone to their bloodied health value, and then proceeded to beat the crap out of Lich.

Wesker instantly knew who this was, so he winked at her. Then, with a valiant jump, he hits Lich's weakpoint! And then Lich died, saying they'll never restore the crystals and such, yadda, yadda.

After a long and epic battle, the Warriors finally won (although they would have been dead if it weren't for the girl with 22ish Charisma).

She reveals herself to be... Matoya! She came looking for the Warriors and knew they needed help. She's also sexy because it's a more appealing form for them.

Wesker grabs a bag of the Lich dust that Lich polluted the ground with when he died. He told Machiavelli that he'll share it with him so that they can get high together.

Then, Kvothe's crystal floats in the air. The large crystal (which I forgot to mention) in the room interacted with Kvothe's crystal and then the large one disappeared. The small one regained it's light. The Earth Crystal is fully active once again!

The Dragonborn are happy that the Warriors defeated the Count (sort-of) and Lich and offer them a 3000GP reward. Smithy tells Wesker that he'll make him a powerful weapon with the Adamantite he got. He also asks the Warriors if they could help out his homeland. Ye'see, Demons have taken over the Dwarven Empire and is enslaving them to the large mines there. And so, the Warriors (and Matoya) are off. Also, Wesker asks for cooler Eye colours from Matoya and she gives him silver eyes. Illyria asks as well and receives red eyes.

Wesker then asks for a multi-colour vest, and asks for his horse to be multi-colour too. Of course he asks convincingly enough (high Diplomacy roll...) and Matoya says, sexily, "I'll see what I can do."

And that's the end of that.

Holy crap that's a lot crazier than I realize now.