Oct 17, 2009

Dungeons and Dragons - The Final Fantasy Adventure

Hey-yo! I'm writing up the next session for our DnD campaign and I've decided to summarize the sessions we already had. I'll do this for every session, and so why not do it on here?

So, my campaign is based on the first Final Fantasy game... an idea given to me by a friend of mine. And it's working out extremely well... in fact, I really like doing this. Not to mention, my first time being DM, it's really good practice using an already-made idea to get the feeling of everything.

Not to mention (although I totally am mentioning it), the first Final Fantasy actually was a DnD campaign, which is why I went with the idea in the first place: To recreate an old campaign that probably hasn't been done in a long time. Even though it's based on the game, though, I have a lot of opportunities to change things and make it all flow better. And the changes keep on coming, to the point that it'll barely be recognizable... but this is also to help with the fact that several people in this campaign played the original Final Fantasy. It'll keep it fresh from the dungeon crawling nature of the original game, and it'll keep those familar with everything from ruining everything.

Now then, there are eight people in my campaign. You heard me right, eight people. As a first time DM, this is pretty hard to keep track of... but I'm getting better with each session. Even though I said no more then eight, I might expand it to ten because a lot more people are interested...

So, here are my Warriors:
Chet, the low-intelligent based Fighter (guess where he got the idea for that one?)
Kvothe, the newbie Cleric (his first time playing DnD, and he's not too bad either)
Wesker, the insane Dragoon (yeah, I'm allowing Homebrew stuff for this, makes it more fun)
Rhadgast, the Fighter who misses a LOT (it annoys him and it's pretty funny... for me)
Viridia, the Final Fantasy-master Swordmage (too bad he won't be predicting future sessions!)
Taliesin, the min-maxing Druid (and a greedy bastard too)
Illyria, the destructive Warlock (she's the only girl of the group...)
Coren, the selfless Ranger (he's probably the leader of the group, too)

Only the first four are the so-called "Crystal Bearers" (Water, Earth, Wind, and Fire, respectfully), but they're all Warriors of Light, which is why I like to call them the "Warriors" instead of referring to them as PCs.

Eight different Warriors, eight different personalities... it makes for a very unique (and fun!) party.

So anyway, onto the session summaries:

Week 1 - Onwards to the Ruined Fortress!
Present Warriors: Chet, Wesker, Kvothe, Rhadgast
Party Level: 1

This was the first week and a lot of people were away, but I wanted to kick off the campaign anyway so I decided that as long as four people were present I'd do it. These four warriors automatically became the Crystal Bearers.

The Crystals are quite important in Final Fantasy, so they remain in this campaign, with some unique properties. For one thing, they cannot be seperated from their Warrior; if so, after being away at least 100 feet from the Warrior, it'll return, full force. Meaning, that if it's locked in a steel box and the Warrior moves 100 feet away, it'll burst out of the box and hit the Warrior at a damaging rate. They are also indestructible in all ways possible.

I thought that by doing this, the crystals will remain with its designated Warrior at all times. So far, the Warriors themselves haven't found a loop-hole to this.

Anyway, the four Warriors stand in front of King Leo of Corneria... and before Leo even says anything, Chet yells out to Rhadgast and asks him if he's a woman. Rhadgast yells back "No."

Leo chooses to ignore this random outburst and tells them that his daughter, the fair Princess Sarah was taken away by his finest knight, Garland. For what purpose he did this, Leo did not know.

So, after telling the Warriors of his plight, Chet decides to fall asleep in front of the king. Wesker tries to apologize to the king for Chet's randomness but utterly fails (he rolled a 1 on a diplomacy check) so he ran away from embarrassment.

Leo orders his guards to throw Chet outside. Rhadgast and Kvothe decide to do research on Garland, finding out some useful info.

After some bed smashing and castle climbing (no joke), the Warriors decide to head for the ruined castle north of Corneria, where Garland waited with the princess in tow.

Along the way, the Warriors were ambushed by... Goblins! I mostly wanted the first battle against goblins because they're pretty much the first random encounter you'll get in Final Fantasy.

The Warriors rape the goblins and head onwards to the ruins.

And that was the end of that session... it was short because we started very late, and Chet had to get going.

Week 2: Warriors of Light Vs. Garland
Present Warriors: All but Chet
Party Level: 1

Chet couldn't make it to this session so we continued on as if he didn't exist in the first place.

So, the Warriors left off standing in front of the ruins. Taliesin and Coren were hunting when they saw the Warriors and decided to help them on their quest. Viridia is a Cornerian soldier who decided to catch up to the Warriors and help. Illyria decided to exist.

After trying to figure out how to get into the rather quiet ruins, they get in from the front door. Still quiet, and two hallways to go through, the Warriors split up.

Taliesin, Coren, Viridia, and Wesker all went down the left path. After fighting some zombies and skeletons, they find a trapdoor that leads to a tunnel of some sort in one of the rooms they investigated. Illyria, Rhadgast, and Kvothe head down the other direction, where they bust in on goblins playing poker (or something) and then secure some nice weapons.

They all meet up and go back to the trapdoor (after the others got their own weapons). They head down, quietly and cautiously. The tunnel is very long, and after ten minutes of walking they find a door. They open it up (or rather, Rhadgast punches it open) and they end up in an altar room, with Garland not surprised at the break in.

I forgot to mention, there were six dire wolves in that room too.

So the seven Warriors squared off against Garland and his wolves. The Warriors... pretty much rape Garland in the skull and his wolves. During battle, Wesker decided to take as much wolf meat as possible with him, sad that he failed to make any of the wolves his friend.

Garland then floats off into the air and disappears after falling over.

They save Sarah, who was on the altar, and she teleports them back to Castle Corneria.

King Leo thanks them for rescuing Sarah. They all get rewarded, except for Coren who instead asks for a favor. Wesker also convinces the King for something extra for risking their lives.

King Leo tells them that the bridge to the Provoka continent will be repaired, to help them explore new lands. Princess Sarah tells them that they need to restore power to the crystals because she thinks something bad will happen if they don't. King Leo allows them to live in the castle until the bridge is repaired.

By the way, both of those sessions were entirely improvised by yours truly. I was quite happy with the end result.

Week 3: Ninjas and Pirates
Present Warriors: Everybody
Party Level: 3

Coren's favour was that he asked King Leo for a mode of transportation. The King gives them a large wagon with three horses to tow it; the Warriors of Light's own caravan.

King Leo also gives Wesker the item he promised: Adamatite. He tells Wesker to go find Smithy to forge something good out of this ore.

The Warriors cross the bridge. Along the way, Taliesin, Coren, and Wesker grab the three horses and all train them to see them each to be their masters (so they each got a horse for free pretty much).

They decide to camp for the night, seeing as it's getting dark. That night, Chet throws fire at Wesker's horse, so Rhadgast neck-grabs Chet and keeps him there for the rest of the evening. Nightfall, Coren hears screaming and goes to investigate. He finds a cave with rooms that look like a house. He alerts the others and they all go to the cave, except for Chet who stays asleep.

They explore this house-cave and see a robed monster holding an old lady and a crystal. The monster disappears but not before sicking his shadow warriors at them.

A long and arduous battle ensures.

All the while that is happening, Chet wakes up, climbs a tree, looks for a muffin, finds a magical one in the tree that says "Welcome to Corneria", gets bitch-slapped by God, and finally feeds Wesker's horse the muffin. This results is Wesker's horse talking, saying "Welcome to Corneria" whenever it opens its mouth.

After the battle, the old lady reveals herself to be Matoya and the monster they saw before was Astos. He stole her Crystal Eye and wants the Warriors to get it back for her. Doing so, she'll help them for selfless reasons. Wesker attempts to hit on her while she's talking and in turn, she snaps her fingers and magically bound & gags all of the Warriors. Wesker winks because he's a masochist and so she snaps her fingers again which makes him not a masochist. She snaps them again and they're freed. Taliesin tells them not to mess with her and her almighty gagging powers. Wesker then goes and steals two of Matoya's backwards talkin' brooms and asks her to make him a masochist again.

Matoya tells them to head for the Elven Kingdom for that's where Astos has gone. She also tells them that they'll need a boat and will get one in the port town of Pravoka.

Taliesin procures a small glass ball.

They leave, and discover Chet mumbling to himself, with Wesker's horse talking. Wesker instantly falls in love with it, while Taliesin runs away from fear.

They catch up to Taliesin, and head for the port town, where they discover that the town is overrun by pirates.

They find the pirates drinking at the local pub, where Chet and their leader, Bikke, have a drinking contest. Bikke will give them his ship if Chet manages to beat him.

Bikke falls flat on his face after a couple drinks. Chet proudly yells.

Bikke then stands up and drunkenly tell his pirates to attack.

After a few quick rounds, Bikke forfeits, and tells them that his ship is theirs. At this point, Coren walks off while the others steal everything off of the pirates. They run away and Illyria chases after them and burns them to a crisp.

Coren convinces the Mayor of Pravoka to give his fellow Warriors a reward while he gets to own the ship. Taliesin catches up at this point and convinces the Mayor to let him open up a clinic (he has a high heal check) while Coren modifies the ship. The Mayor agrees, and Taliesin smirks.

...And that is it. That's three separate sessions of our DnD campaign.

Yes, it's silly. Yes, it's insanely unrealistic. But it's fun! I want my Warriors to have as much fun as possible in the process, even if they end up doing things completely insane! In fact, this is the most fun I've had in a while, meeting up with this small group of friends and telling them what's happening to their imaginary characters. I don't care that things aren't going exactly the way I want them to, as long as my Warriors are happy, I am happy.